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Launch - Springfield (Full Time)

Launch is Missouri’s solution for course access issues for school districts and families in need of flexible and personalized learning options. Launch courses meet both individual student needs and the needs of districts seeking to provide virtual course options for their students.

Contact phone number


Grades served

Serves grades K-12

How are classes offered?

Classes use live instruction, self-paced and hybrid formats, asynchronous

Launch - Springfield (Full Time)

Launch - Springfield (Full Time)

Launch is Missouri’s solution for course access issues for school districts and families in need of flexible and personalized learning options. Launch courses meet both individual student needs and the needs of districts seeking to provide virtual course options for their students.

Contact phone number


How are classes offered?

Classes use live instruction, self-paced and hybrid formats, asynchronous

Grades served

Serves grades K-12

When do you need to enroll

Anytime it courses are offered in quarters

What technology or other resources are provided by the vendor?

Chromebook, garmen, art kit, workbooks,

Are AP or honors 
courses offered?
Is summer school offered?
Are credit recovery 
courses offered?
Can students take CTE courses?


Launch has several dual credit courses and courses that fall into Career Technical Education

Do they serve ELL students?


Are dual credit courses offered?


Can students participate in clubs or other activities through the provider?


Launch only offers summer enrichment activities.

Can students participate in sport activities through the provider?

Can students get tutoring through this provider?


Live and requested tutoring available

Does this provider offer summer school?


Other information about this provider


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