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eDynamic Learning

eDynamic Learning is North America's largest publisher of online CTE and elective courseware for grades 6-12. As a teacher founded company, we take great pride in helping ignite passion within students by giving them opportunities to tie their interests to rewarding professions.

Contact phone number


Grades served

How are classes offered?

Asyncronous and syncronous

eDynamic Learning

eDynamic Learning

eDynamic Learning is North America's largest publisher of online CTE and elective courseware for grades 6-12. As a teacher founded company, we take great pride in helping ignite passion within students by giving them opportunities to tie their interests to rewarding professions.

Contact phone number


How are classes offered?

Asyncronous and syncronous

Grades served

When do you need to enroll

No enrollment dates

What technology or other resources are provided by the vendor?

Are AP or honors 
courses offered?
Advanced courses, taught at AP level
Credit Replacement
Is summer school offered?
Are credit recovery 
courses offered?
Can students take CTE courses?


eDynamic Learning is North America's largest publisher of online CTE and elective courseware for grades 6-12.

Do they serve ELL students?


Are dual credit courses offered?

Can students participate in clubs or other activities through the provider?

Can students participate in sport activities through the provider?

Can students get tutoring through this provider?

Does this provider offer summer school?


Other information about this provider


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